Global Medevac - a certified minority owned business
Global Medevac is a minority-owned business. What does that mean? It means we were founded and are owned by a member of the Cherokee Nation. We are a TERO (Tribal Employment Rights Office) certified Native business.

Global Medevac is also a Disability:IN certified disability-owned business.
Global Medevac is a DFW Minority Supplier Development Council certified minority business.
Global Medevac is a Texas-certified Historically Underutilized Business.
Global Medevac is a North Central Texas Certification Agency certified Small Business Enterprise.
Whether you are looking for:
… a diverse, Minority Owned, and Disability Owned vendor to offer an extremely valuable employee benefit…
… or if you are looking for a diverse company to add to your Minority Owned spend…
Global Medevac IS the right company for you!